Wednesday 14 December 2016

Art, Artists and Audience: A Note on Telangana Kala Mela, 2016 by Apoorva Sharma

The first Telangana Kala Mela was held on November 4th and 5th, 2016.  It was a great experience both  for the artists and the viewers. It proved to be a successful platform to promote the creative talents our newly formed state. There were several  artists from Telangana who are famous in others sates and countries but not very well known here. This mela gave them as well as us an opportunity to learn about the  artists who live around us. 

Prof. R.C Sharma, one of the senior and talented artists, who participated in exhibition, when asked about his experience said that the feeling was same; as if it was in an art gallery in Mumbai. The presence of other prominent artists and an enthusiastic audience made him realize the growing interest in art in our state. 

I, as a viewer enjoyed the Mela and was proud to see such a plethora of artworks in our state. I also,came to know a lot about Telangana  culture through the paintings. All the paintings had their own significance and were beautiful in their own way. I feel that such events must be held again and again and, for a longer duration i.e, at least for 5 days so that more people come to know about it and enjoy it.

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