Monday 22 August 2016

Love: A Touching Short Story by Hari Priya


She felt him cuddle her in the middle of the night. 

He felt warm and soft. And suddenly, her nightmares faded 

She woke up the next morning, to prepare a mug of coffee. 

She felt him hugging her from behind, his chin resting on her 

shoulder. And somehow, her day started well.
She picked up his favourite dress on her. She could feel him 

leaning against the door, smiling at her.
She could hear him groan in satisfaction as she prepared his 

favourite breakfast, pancakes with maple syrup.
She turned the radio on and started driving. She could see 

him bopping his head to the music. It was his favourite genre.

      As soon as she reached her workplace, she drowned in a 

sea of mails, appointments, and meetings. She forgot about 

him for a while.
She ordered her lunch, chuckling, as she remembered how 

his face scrunches up in annoyance at the sight of greasy 

food. She ate it anyways.
She returned home in the evening and washed all the make-
up off. He always found her the most beautiful in her 
natural state.
She went to the florist to buy daffodils – one of the very few 

things they like in common. She then purchased a bottle of 

wine and headed towards where he currently lived.
 She opened the gate, the creaking sound being the only 
thing heard in the neighbourhood. 

She headed towards him with a small smile in her face, as 

she sat opposite to him, placing the flowers and the wine
beside her.
 She spoke to him about her day, knowing that he would 

listen without any problem. He always listened.
He was listening then too, smiling, as he stared at her. He 

smiled at how angry she got over her boss, feigned 

annoyance as she mentioned her unhealthy lunch, laughed 

with her as she narrated a really funny incident which had 

occurred in the office.

She went on speaking about her day, and he never minded. 

He was enjoying it. She knew it.
Soon, a comfortable silence wrapped around them. It was 

getting dark and she had to leave.
She kissed him, and left for home. He felt the kiss and his 

heart soared.

      He felt her love for him, even if he was no more.   

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