Wednesday 11 May 2016

When Tim Came to Town: A Delightful Afternoon with Dr. Timothy Cadman, Griffith University, Queensland, Australia

On a hot summer afternoon, as we debated over the power and water crises in Telangana, came a dashing and charismatic scholar from Australia. We were privileged to hear him speak and offer solutions to the present energy crises in our state. In this post, we share Dr. Tim Cadman's talk on climate change, creative writing, Eco-feminism, his visit to COP 21, Paris, 2015 and his solutions to some of the  most serious climate threats in the developing nations.
Dr. Tim Cadman is currently working  as a University Research Fellow with the Key center for Ethics, Law, Justice and Governance  and the Institute for Ethic, Governance and Law at Griffith University, Queensland, Australia.

Dr. Tim Cadman with Mr. Reddy at R.B.V.R.R Women's College, Hyderabad

Climate Change and Third World Nations
The COP  21, Paris, 2015 was an insightful experience for Dr. Cadman. He shared with us the major ideas and issues of the conference. On a different note, he also observed that developing nations like India should not repeat the mistakes made by the West during the Industrial Age. India, like Australia is a land of sunshine, thus it could develop a major solar power based commercial venture. In nations like India, the youth  could play a major role in saving the environmental system. They must question every activity of the government and ask for answers from the leaders. The youth of India is the fountainhead of its future progress and success.

Dr. Cadman sharing his ideas

Dr. Cadman has long since been aware of the work done by Indian Eco-feminists, like Vandana Shiva. He believes that Eco-feminism is an incredible lens through which the power relation between man and nature can be understood. It can also help us understand the power equation between developed and developing nations. In the vicious cycle of struggle for power, developed countries always manage to control growing nations and this sort of one way control needs to be changed.

Dr. Tim Cadman is not only an academic but also a creative writer. When we asked him about how he managed both, he very happily answered that, "one is work and one is pleasure" 
 and he thoroughly enjoyed doing both. Citing the example of J.R.R. Tolkien, Dr. Cadman meticulously illustrated how it is possible for him to write academic monographs and creative novels as well. He recently made a contribution to the emerging genre of climate fiction.  He has been an ardent follower of writers like Arthur C. Clarke and Isaac Asimov. He loves the way science fiction has the ability to preempt the reality that lies before us.  Dr. Cadman's book is called The Changes, Part One and Two 


To know more about Dr. Cadman and his work, visit:

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