Friday 19 February 2016

Save the Best for the Last: The Final Meeting of QLC 16/02/2016

The Final Meeting of QLC, 2015-2016 Academic Session was held on 16/02/2016,
Language Lab, English Department

It was a Lively and Engaging Session on Travel Poetry
Music, Lyrics, Debates, Discussions and Memories Galore...
In Rapt Attention

Setting the stage right!

A special thanks to Sagarika Arya, B.Com II A for her heart warming rendition of popular song, "Country Roads" by John Denver!

Our Star Performer

The World is a Book... 
Suvidha Laharika  

“The world is a book and those who don’t travel read only one page” said St. Augustine.  At some or the other point of life, we all travel from one place to another: it may be for education or a world tour or shifting a house. But we don’t realize that travelling not only makes us speechless but also a storyteller.
The imaginative as well ambiguous topic of “Travel poetry”, upon which, various opinions were discovered and discussed, was taken up for the final meeting of QLC, held on 16th of February.
We had selected two diverse poems: one was Ulysses (1842) which depicted the importance of travelling for soul and the other was Questions of Travel (1965)which left an open ending for a confused reader whether to go out to explore or to ignite the fire of imagination inside the four walls.

Firstly, the poem Questions of Travel was recited very gracefully by Jyoti madam and then Juveria Tabassum presented a Powerpoint Presentation comparing the two poems.
Then all of us shared our views on travelling and our experiences. The most interesting turn of the meeting occurred when Grace Ma'am narrated about the maiden voyage made by her parents to America on a ship. The trials and tribulations of the voyage both mental and physical were captivating. At the end of the day, we concluded that travelling not only gives us learning experiences but also gives strength, peace and tranquility to the soul. We travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us.
Beyond Communication!: Sharing Personal Experiences

The Keen Listeners!

Talking Travel


The last meeting of the Quills Literary Club was held on 16 February, 2016. It was about 'Travel poetry'. We all gathered in the English Language Lab by 3:30 p.m. Jhilam ma'am greeted us with her her pretty smile and her lovely words. Jyothi ma'am expressively read a poem Questions of  Travel (1965)written by Elizabeth Bishop. Later we discussed about traveling, modes, experiences and challenges associated with travel. We were given an opportunity to share our experiences about our own adventures. All our friends shared their experiences both funny and memorable. I too shared my memories and experiences of my trip. I was glad when Grace ma'am shared her memories of her parents' maiden trip to America and back on a ship
Pushpa ma'am and Jyoti ma'am also told about their trips. Jhilam ma'am encouraged everyone to share their experiences. Sumitra ma'am noted minutes of the meeting. Pankaja ma'am supported us with her warm smile. The session was so interesting that it did not occur to anyone when clock struck I didn't care about the time when I was in the meeting. I enjoyed, learnt and shared my views. I am glad about the meeting as well as the topic. I look forward to the next meeting. I sincerely thank all the lecturers of the Department of English for giving me such a valuable opportunity to be a part of the Quills Literary Club.
Thank you
Looking for Questions!

Attentive members!

The QLC Family
The QLC Family

Pretty Creative Minds!


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