Monday 11 January 2016

When QLC met HLF (Phase Three)

The sights and sounds of HLF never seemed to end!
After a quick lunch party arranged by the loving faculty members of our department, we headed on for the next session.

Panel Discussion: Reel and Real Lives
Panelists: Anu Agarwal, Maithili Rao and Rinki Bhattacharya Roy. Moderator: Prof. Tutun Mukherjee

A heart-felt discussion by three women on their books:

Anu Agarwal's Anusual: Memoir of a Girl who Came Back from the Dead (2015)

Maithili Rao: Smita Patil: A Brief Incandescence (2015)

Rinki Roy Bhattacharya: Bimal Roy's Madhumati: Untold Stories from Behind the Scenes (2014)

Here are some of the pictures of the session

The Session is on!

Her Father's Daughter

Three Super Creative Women
Rinki Bhattachraya (Extreme left) Maithili Rao (Center), Prof. Tutun Mukherjee(right)

QLC with Anu Agarwal

With Rinki Bhattacharya Roy

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