Tuesday 12 January 2016

When QLC met HLF (Phase Five)

Some more sessions attended by members of QLC

Poetry Reading Session: 4-4.50 p.m

Kirpal Singh, Meena Alexander, Sudeep Sen

Kirpal Singh awed the audience with his onomatopoeic poem: the saga of slap/turn between a couple...

The lovely Meena Alexander read poems from her new collection, Atmospheric Embroidery (2015).
She captured the spirit of contemporary India in poems
like "Nirbhaya" and "New Mysore Café." 

Poet, Sudeep Sen read from his new collection, Erotext
The poet read sensual poems like Gajar Halwa. 
However, the poet found the audience uncomfortable talking about sexuality in poetry. On a lighter note, he observed that it was ironical that in a country where epics and ancient poetry celebrate sex, contemporary India was reluctant to even listen to it in public domains...

Posing with Poets!

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