Saturday 19 December 2015

The Curtain Raiser.

 A packed auditorium witnessed the impressive opening of the Quills Literary Club. The event was held on Tuesday, the 15th of December, 2015. The chief guest for this special ceremony  was Prof. Tutun Mukherjee, Head, Center for Comparative Literature, University of Hyderabad. Her inspiring speech guided us towards a phase of thinking and inventing.
The unveiling of the club logo was a momentous occasion. The logo reminded us of our dedication towards promoting literature and creative thinking in our college. The cultural programme consisted of a presentation on our blog, a recitation of Robert Frost's influential poem, The Road Not Taken, which was followed by a stirring enactment of Rabindranath Tagore's moving poem, Where the Mind is Without Fear, by Sheetal dance company. The event concluded with an engaging performance by our members of the court scene from Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice. 
The curtain-raiser for the Quills Literary Club was a short, yet memorable event. This was followed by a very entertaining and enlightening workshop on creative writing for the members. We were introduced to Flash Fiction and were told to write our own short stories within an hour. Each member then shared her story with the club. The constructive criticism from not just the lecturers, but also by our fellow members, helped expand our creative horizons. This momentous day ended with each of us getting certificates for our participation in the workshop.
The very first taste of this club has left us waiting for a lot more. We look forward to the next meeting with heightened expectations.

Here are some of the highlights from the first birthday celebrations of The Quills Literary Club!

Principal, Dr. M.Surekha Reddy's Speech :

Respected Chief Guest Prof. Tutun Mukherjee, Head, Center for Comparative Literature, University of Hyderabad; Madam, I have great pleasure in informing you that this is the Diamond Jubilee year of our esteemed college. Our institution has dedicated itself to the education of girls from economically backward and rural areas of Telangana for more than sixty years. Most of our students have been brought up in schools with Telugu as the primary medium of instruction. Thus, they do not have expert grip over English as a language for communication. Effective communication in today's times has become more important than academics. It is, thus, very important that we equip our girls with useful communication skills.
Dr. M. Surekha Reddy at the event

The Department of English has rightly identified the crisis. And, to address it they have introduced the Quills Literary Club. I believe it will be of great help to girls who have been using Telugu as their primary language of communication. I am sure the club will help the members improve their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills. The  club should emphasis on conducting activities that highlight the use of “conversational English".

I congratulate Ms Grace Sudhir and her team members for establishing the club. I am sure this would expand exponentially  in view of its importance and need.

A Chinese Proverb says, “If you are planning for a year-sow corns, if you are planning for decade, plant trees and if you are planning for a lifetime educate the people”.

Language is the medium through which educational process fulfills its aims. I hope the club will make the students creative and innovative in the field of literature.

I wish Ms Grace and her team members all the very best in this endeavour.

The Meeting.

A short poem penned down during the workshop on Flash Fiction.

When thoughts come floating out

Take shape in the form of words

When ideas bloom, reflections light up,

And brighten the room,

Flash Fiction!
Better than any bulb can

Yes, we smiled when we saw each other

We knew we had a happy hour ahead

Then we made friends, we discovered,

New worlds, new thoughts

We gave voice to those

Long muted aspirations

The air never felt so warm

After all, who cares about the harsh AC

When these earnest words, they mellow,

Add glow to the light in the air.

Clicks from December 15th 2015!

Chief Guest Prof. Tutun Mukherjee addressing the students

Chairperson of the club, Ms. Grace Sudhir at the event

An engaged audience


Feedback on Facebook:

Greeshma Suryavanshi-
"The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you"
It was a splendid day. It felt great to be a part of workshop. I am very
thankful to all my lecturers for encouraging us to think creatively, also
grateful to listen to other flash fictions. Hope club would come back with
more activities.
 Suvidha Laharika-
 The Quills literary club inauguration which was held 15th December 2015 was organized  uniquely.  
Everyone  appreciated the efforts put by the students and the teaching staff. The idea to present the specialties of different types of English like, American, Australian and British English, was highly appreciated.The program has increased the expectations on the club and everyone is expecting many more such events in upcoming successful year.


Arpita Evertina-

  An awesome day! Very interesting programs, and an informative workshop

Asma Shaheen-

              It will always be a memorable day for us!  :)

Juveria Tabassum-

  Thank you so much for the amazing workshop! It was a great experience.


A few more spectacular moments!

Where the mind is without fear- an enactment

Merchant of Venice- a stirring performance

Workshop on Flash Fiction

Proud members receiving their certificates!
December 15th was, indeed, a Quillsome day!!!

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