Sunday 29 November 2020

"Epilogue" - A Poem by Tahreen Fatima


The silver moonlight shined through the window, 

Luring me out of my bed. 

Sleepily, I watched the silent show, 

Of the twinkling stars, and the darkness people dread. 

The hooting of an owl and the flapping wings of a bat, 

The chilly breeze, whistling through the trees. 

The dark clouds hovering by, 

And the glimmering stars in the sky. 

An aurora then wiped out the darkness 

A pleasure to a soul in distress. 

The changing colours, a plethora of feelings: 

Sorrow, joy, fear and brave awakenings. 

Uncountable mistakes, made without a second thought, 

Now I see how hard my soul fought. 

A war between wants and wrongs, 

Intensified with unheard songs. 

Childhood and teenage - the wonder phases of life, 

Adulthood, as I realised, is the phase in which we strife. 

The show ended, leaving me dumbfounded, 

I stood still with my feet firmly grounded. 

A minute ago, I was just a child;

Now, I’m an adult, chasing dreams in the wild! 

                                                                - Tahreen Fatima (BtCFs)

Saturday 21 November 2020

"My Cup of Coffee" by Veda Sri


My cup of coffee 

Every day, I crave for you. 

You’re the reason people call me suave. 

You’re my partner on sleepless nights, 

and companion on busy mornings. 

You keep me warm during Christmas time, 

and I confess that you were my love at first sight. 

Even though you are bitter, 

you make my memories sweeter. 

I thought love wasn't my cup of tea, 

but now I know that it's definitely my cup of coffee. 

                                                                 - L. Veda Sri (BA)

Sunday 15 November 2020

"In The Air" by Tirumala Tejasri

In The Air

They said love was in the air 

How could it be? 

I couldn’t smell it. 

The rising sun couldn’t banish the chill in the air. 

I hugged myself for warmth and nodded 

To the chirping melodies from my balcony

Greetings from bird to bird before they flew in hope to touch Heaven.

Then the sky broke to wet the roads, 

A pack of dogs huddled together to protect each other from the rain. 

I heard a baby cry in my neighbour’s house 

Her mother held her in her arms 

And spoke of dreams and the sky and the rain. 

The baby’s smile was warm enough to change my mind. 

Love is abstract and endless.

Love is in everything that lives and doesn't. 

Love is in the air.

                                                     - Tirumala Tejasri (BtCFs)

Sunday 8 November 2020

"Mount Sinai" - A Poem by Christina Joyce Kotha


Mount Sinai

Dark sky, twinkling stars; 

'Twas like a never ending journey to Mars. 

Chilly air, giant rocks 

On the path I trekked, wearing Crocs. 

Stopped by the tiny wooden tea spots, 

Where ancient lovers drew many hearts. 

That place gave me utmost warmth, 

Especially when an Egyptian offered me some broth. 

When I reached the top of the mountain, 

It made my heart gush like a fountain. 

Gazing at the moon so near, 

Made that moment extremely dear. 

Learning about the ancient glory, 

Every other thing was nugatory. 

As I walked down from the mountain top, 

The beauty of the sun rise made me stop. 

Thanking God for his splendid creation, 

I wanted to stay there for generations. 

My heart was filled with so many memories, 

That became the cornerstones of wonderful stories. 

Thus, it was one heaven of a ride 

On Mount Sinai. 

                                                - Christina Joyce (BtCFs)

Monday 2 November 2020

"Because It's You" - A Poem by Sahithi Cheapuri

Because It's You

My day begins with your beautiful name,
and it will forever remain the same.

I thank the almighty everyday,
for your presence in my gloomy day.

My life is filled with your spark,
that my heart accepted as an ever-fixed mark.

The happiness you bring leaves me spellbound.
In that state, I forget the world around.

My life is blessed with the essence of your presence.
With you I live a little more,
I'll love and trust you until I can't any more.

                                                              - Sahithi Cheapuri (BA)