Saturday 29 August 2020

"Let Her Breathe" - A Poem by P. Keerthi Chandrika

Let Her Breathe

An innocent little baby, smelt the earth;

Is my birth a curse? An impurity?

Started fighting a war till my last breath;

The same war that every little girl had to fight.

Why the placards, slogans, marches?

Through how many generations must they be carried?

Let me breathe for once, not suffocated by the society.

My dreams were burned to ashes in the name of security.

God created beautiful lives, no rules.

The shameless society created walls,

Declared me weak.

Present me as a police officer, a pilot, a teacher, a doctor,

The President, an IAS officer, a nurse, a CEO, a farmer, an army officer, a caretaker.

This me has fought against the strong walls,

And stood as the world’s role model.

Never underestimate her dreams because she is a girl.

Don’t just save a girl child,

Let her breathe and be free and achieve her goals;

Destroy the unnecessary walls the society created. 

                                              -P. Keerthi Chandrika (BSc MSCs)

Saturday 22 August 2020

"The Beautiful Past" - A Poem by Shaik Meera Saheba

The Beautiful Past 

If you leave my thoughts, 

I could be free.

You remind me of a cup of tea

Warm, like you used to be.

But to me, you are 

Like the waves in the sea: 

Letting you go 

Is setting myself free. 

                                                 - Shaik Meera Saheba (BtCFs)

Saturday 15 August 2020

"Sorrow of Birds" - A Poem by Sahithi Cheapuri


Sorrow of Birds 

This is the sorrow of birds

For which, I truly have no words.

We’ve cut down trees, decreased greenery

And built to increase the ‘concrete scenery’;

We strove to develop telecommunication,

But ignored the death of birds due to radiation.

The birds are weeping for their life,

Please don’t let them fall prey to the scythe.

Stand up against destruction, increase afforestation;

Remember the birds — make a resolution.

                                                                          - Sahithi Cheapuri (BA)

Saturday 8 August 2020

"They Call It Love" - A Poem by Mariya Fatima

They Call It Love

I am battling with it:
Every minute, every second, every moment of my life;
It is slowly and steadily dripping—
Dripping into my blood, mixing with it;
Entering my nerves and veins, travelling
All over my body, from the heart to the brain.

It's paining; I feel like I might fall apart
It’s paining as if someone has stabbed me in my heart.
I keep running away from it; I don't want to face it
Because the pain is unbearable,
Now that it has entered every cell of my body;
It pricks me to the very core.

I try to escape, to run away as far as possible,
But it ain't that easy;
Because every time I try to run, it drags me to itself.
I can never predict when it's coming,
As it creeps up suddenly, within no time
Making me feel worse with every breath of mine.

And I,
 I find myself helpless; 
I try to part myself from it,
But it seems never ending;
I cannot describe it enough:
It is much more than grief & pain.
But they, they call it love.

                                       - Mariya Fatima (BA 
1st year)

Sunday 2 August 2020

"My Amour" - A Poem by Nisha Simons

My Amour

Behold his dreamy eyes, they shine

And glitter and glint: an unforgettable sight.

Fascinated and marvelled at such a sight,

I wondered if love started just in time.

Yon adorable eyes I would go mad for

But I realised, it was just a fervent dream.

The day brought whispers to my ears,

And I heard the whispers of my amour.

                                            - Nisha Simons (BA 2nd year)