Tuesday 23 July 2019

Painting Stars - A Poem By Mounica

The clock strikes twelve 
And I try to see the stars beyond the dusty air
Shining on their own against a dark canvas;
I paint my canvas the same dark hue,
Hoping I make stars of my own.
Excited, hopeful and motivated,
I dip my paintbrush in stardust;
I'll make my stars bleed purple,
For it's my canvas.

The clock strikes one 
And the brush slips from my fingers,
Anxiety slips through the cracks in my paint;
And I rush to perfect my stars.
The real ones take millennia to form,
Humans do not have the same luxury.
I paint them over and over again,
My fingers shake and I grow frantic,
Desperate to create my own bright star.

The clock strikes two 
And suddenly the canvas looks bleak.
The dark color has an ominous feel to it,
And my mind chokes me with the same darkness.
My brush pauses, I try to recall why I started;
I look up, and I can't see the stars anymore. 
Why shine if you fade when dawn breaks?
Why rush to live when you die anyways?
The brush slips again; this time I don't pick it up.

- Mounica, BA final year.

Monday 22 July 2019

I Love Her - A Poem By Rithika


I love her.
I love everything about her.
The way her hair cascades down her back,
Glossy, shiny, thick and smooth.
The way her eyes glint in the light,
When joy consumes her whole.
The way her lips pout when she cries,
Or when she acts adorable.

I love her.
But this is the same beautiful hair,
She brushes all day and night,
She's become a master at it;
And now she ignores my feelings too,
Brushing them off her shoulder.

I love her.
But these are the same beautiful eyes,
Which are alight with accusation,
Saying I don't love her enough.
These are the same beautiful lips,
Which are crying and begging me;
To love her again like before, 
Claiming she can love me too.
I loved her,
Everything I've ever loved was about her.

                                                              - Rithika Varam, MZC final year. 


Thursday 18 July 2019

Trapped - A Poem By Veda Sri

 You are my inspiration,
 The soul of my verse.
 But the pain you have given me,
 Is no less than a curse;

 You are my dream,
 The one I strove hard to achieve.
 But you're like a star in the sky,
 That I could never seem to reach.

You are my light,
That once shone so bright.
But you left me in plight,
And there's nothing left in my sight.

You are my poem,
That I recited day and night.
But I never knew you abhorred reading,
Until you tore my pages apart.
                                                                       - Vedasri, BA II year. 

Saturday 13 July 2019

Madness & Literature - Report of QLC meet on June 29, 2019 by Shruthi

The first Quills Literary Club meeting of the new academic year kicked off with a grand celebration on 29th June. The topic chosen for the meet was 'Madness & Literature' on which students were encouraged to give presentations, talk or perform on abnormal characters/concepts. They were also encouraged to perform pieces on mental health.

A prayer song performed by BA second year students Tanuja and Mounika intiated the session and later, The Head of Department of English, Mrs. Suchithra, took over the podium with her warm words of encouragement for the new members of the club. Student Hiranmayee of BA second year, then took over the hosting for the program. The first piece of the day was a dance rendition performed by BA second year student Sahithi and her team on Samuel Taylor Coleridge's poem 'Kubla Khan'. The quartet danced to the mystical and out-of-the-world scenes described in the poem. This performance was followed with a poetry recitation by BA final year student Mounica. She elaborated her struggle with anxiety and depression through her poem 'Painting Stars'.

Following this, second year BA student Ciri Kovida took the stage to talk about her favorite Harry Potter series which contains many abnormal elements in the story as well as unique characters that fit into the meeting's discussion on madness/chaos. Subsequently, a talk on Adolf Hitler was delivered by Shruthi of BSc second year. A short comic relief was provided by the club coordinator Dr. Jhilam Chattaraj when she recited a nonsense rhyme by Norma Livo and Sandra Rietz.

VijayaSree from BA second year then took over the stage to recite a poem dedicated to her brother 'Until We Meet Again'. The poem is interwoven with feelings of longing and reminiscence. Taking a short break from performances, the lecturers of English Department, Dr. Sumithra Jaiswal, Mrs. Jayanthi and Mrs. Merci Ma'am shared a few warm words with the students applauding the growth of the club. BBM second years, Mehak and group stole the thunder of the day by enacting a Mime performance titled 'Story of Maya: A Depressed Girl & How She Overcomes It'. The performance showcased the journey of a girl with depression so artistically that the audience were captivated. The last act of the day was a poetry piece on Adolf Hitler delivered by Ashwini from Bcom second year. 
The event wrapped up with all the students and lecturers huddling together for the camera; trying to capture the memories of the day in a blissfully chaotic picture. The Sun set for the day while the students and teachers alike, chattered over hot samosas and cool ice creams. 

                                                                                                             - R. Shruthi, Bsc II year.